Polazite iz München Hbf, koji se nalazi u samom centru grada München, i uživate u prekrasnom krajoliku tijekom putovanja dok ne stignete u Oberau, koji se također nalazi u srcu Oberammergau.
Polazite iz München Hbf, koji se nalazi u samom centru grada München, i uživate u prekrasnom krajoliku tijekom putovanja dok ne stignete u Oberau, koji se također nalazi u srcu Oberammergau.
Enjoy a scenic journey from Munich, Germany to Oberammergau, Germany by train! This journey will take you through some of the most beautiful destinations in Germany, offering plenty of sightseeing opportunities. The journey is approximately 43.7 miles long and will take about 1 hour and 10 minutes, depending on the train you take.
Main stations from Munich to Oberammergau include Munich Central Station, Freising, and Oberammergau. Along the way, you will pass important cities such as Ingolstadt, Rosenheim, and Garmisch-Partenkirchen. You will also pass smaller towns and rural areas in between, offering breathtaking views of the Bavarian Alps.
The most iconic item you will find during the departure from Munich is the city's iconic Glockenspiel in Marienplatz. When you arrive in Oberammergau, you will be welcomed by the impressive and picturesque Oberammergau Passion Play, which is a unique tradition that has taken place here every 10 years since 1634.
Take the opportunity to explore the culture and history of Germany on your Munich to Oberammergau train ride. Don't forget to bring your camera with you to capture the stunning views!
Otkrijte München, kraljevski grad bogate povijesti i arhitekture, poznat kao srce Bavarske. Ovaj grad, koji zrači šarmom starih svjetskih znamenitosti usred modernih inovacija, savršeno je mjesto za istraživanje kulture, povijesti i tradicionalne bavarske kuhinje.
Prvo na listi je nezaobilazna Marienplatz, pulsirajući centar grada, dom znamenitog Glockenspiela. Najbolje vrijeme za posjet je u 11 sati ili 12 sati, kada možete svjedočiti njegovom čarobnom zvonjavom. Lokacija: srcu grada, bez ulaznica.
Frauenkirche, katedrala s ikoničnim zvonikom koji dominira gradskom panoramom, mjesto je mira i duhovnosti. Pogled s vrha pruža fascinantan pogled na grad. Lokacija: Neuhauser Strasse, otvorena od ponedjeljka do subote od 10 do 17 sati, ulaz besplatan.
Ne propustite Englischer Garten, jedan od najvećih gradskih parkova na svijetu. Savršeno mjesto za odmor ili piknik uz jezero. Lokacija: na istočnom rubu grada, otvoren 24 sata, ulaz besplatan.
Deutsches Museum, najveći muzej znanosti i tehnologije na svijetu, nudi interaktivne izložbe. Idealno za obitelji. Lokacija: Museumsinsel 1, otvoreno svaki dan od 9 do 17 sati, ulaznica: €14.
Nymphenburg Palace, impresivna ljetna rezidencija bavarskih vladara, očarat će vas svojom veličanstvenošću i prekrasnim vrtovima. Lokacija: Schloss Nymphenburg, otvoreno svaki dan od 9 do 18 sati, ulaznica: €12.
Za umjetničke duše, Alte Pinakothek nudi nevjerojatnu kolekciju europske umjetnosti od 14. do 18. stoljeća. Lokacija: Barer Strasse 27, otvoreno od 10 do 18 sati, ulaznica: €7.
Konačno, otkrijte Viktualienmarkt, raskošnu tržnicu gdje možete kušati tradicionalne bavarske specijalitete kao što su weisswurst (bijela kobasica) i pretzeli. Lokacija: Viktualienmarkt 3, otvoreno svaki dan osim nedjelje, od 8 do 20 sati.
Putovanje kroz München donosi spoj povijesti, umjetnosti i gastronomije. Uživajte u šetnji kroz njegove živopisne trgove, divite se arhitektonskim remek-djelima i prepustite se ugodama jedne od najljepših europskih metropola. Ne zaboravite probati lokalno pivo u jednoj od brojnih pivnica. München čeka da ga otkrijete!
Oberammergau, a charming little town nestled in the Bavarian Alps, has a long and rich history of faith and culture. Tourists can explore the city's abundant architecture, culture, and cuisine for a uniquely unforgettable experience. From historical sites and monuments to delicious local delicacies, here's a list of key attractions and activities to add to your trip itinerary in Oberammergau.
Passion Play Theater: Take in the 450-year-old tradition of the Passion Play, performed in the open-air theater from May to October. It is the world's largest theatrical performance, entertaining guests with music, the spoken word, and dancing from over 2,000 participants. The theater is located in Marienplatz and tickets are priced at around €30.
The Pilgrimage Church of Wies: This magnificent Baroque church is a must-visit site for tourists due to its incredible fresco paintings and its peaceful surrounding meadows. It's located in the nearby village of Steingaden, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The church is open daily from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., entrance is free.
Ettal Abbey: Admire the incredible architecture and interior of this Benedictine monastery nestled in the Bavarian Alps. Take a tour to learn about the impressive history of the abbey. The monastery is open all year round, and there is a nominal entrance fee.
Linderhof Palace: One of the most popular sites in Oberammergau, this breathtaking royal palace was built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria in the 19th century. The palace is nestled in a valley in the Bavarian Alps and is open daily from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m., with a €16 entrance ticket.
Lüftlmalerei Paintings: This popular form of Bavarian fresco painting originated in Oberammergau and is found on many of its buildings and churches. These charming frescoes of Biblical scenes and Bavarian-style decorations are a treat to the eyes.
Local Cuisine: Bavarian cuisine has something for everyone, from pork, beef, and birds to fresh fish and salads. Don't forget to try the local beer, Löwenbräu, as well as Kaiserschmarrn, a delicious pancake-like dessert.
Toy Museum: If traveling with children, make sure to visit the Toy Museum, located in the town center, where you can see the evolution of toys over the centuries. The museum is open daily from 1 p.m. until 7 p.m., entrance is free.
Whether you're looking for culture, history, and architecture, or just a delicious meal, Oberammergau has something for everyone. Spend your days taking in the sights, exploring religious relics, and tasting the delicious local cuisine. Don't forget to bring home a souvenir to remember your unforgettable trip to Oberammergau.
Glavna željeznička stanica u München, poznata kao München Hauptbahnhof, predstavlja ključnu točku za željeznički promet u Njemačkoj. Ova stanica ne samo da povezuje brojne međunarodne destinacije, već služi i kao čvorište za regionalne i lokalne linije. Osim glavne stanice, u München-u se nalaze i druge važne stanice kao što su München Ostbahnhof i München Pasing, koje također igraju značajnu ulogu u gradskom i regionalnom željezničkom prometu.
Glavna željeznička stanica München Hauptbahnhof smještena je na adresi Bahnhofplatz 1, 80335 München. Radno vrijeme stanice je fleksibilno, pružajući usluge putnicima 24 sata dnevno, što je idealno za one koji putuju u kasnim večernjim satima ili rano ujutro. Putnici mogu iskoristiti usluge skladištenja prtljage, koje su dostupne na stanici, omogućujući im lagodniji obilazak grada bez dodatnog tereta.
Oberammergau, Germany is home to the main train station of the city. It is located in Hoeringmuhle, not far from the city centre. There are no other train stations in this area, but you can find many bus stops and taxi services around.
The Oberammergau Train Station is located at The Hoerning, 82487 Oberammergau, Germany. Operating hours are from 6:00am to 10:00pm, Monday to Friday. You can call +49 8862 913320 for further enquiries. There is also luggage storage available at the station.
Rezervirajte unaprijed:
Baš kao i kod avionskih karata, cijene željezničkih karata obično rastu što se bliže datumu polaska. Rezervacija tjednima ili čak mjesecima unaprijed može vam uštedjeti značajnu količinu novca.
Putujte izvan vršnih sati:
Izbjegavajte putovanje tijekom vršnih sati kao što su jutarnji i večernji radni dani. Odaberite vožnju u podne, kasno navečer ili tijekom sredine tjedna kada je manje potražnje.
Razmislite o sporijim vlakovima ili neizravnim rutama:
Ekspresni ili brzi vlakovi mogu uštedjeti vrijeme, ali su često skuplji. Odabirom regionalnih ili sporijih usluga možete smanjiti cijenu karte.
Potražite posebne ponude i promocije:
Operateri vlakova povremeno imaju promocije ili posebne ponude, osobito tijekom izvansezonskih razdoblja. Vrijedi se prijaviti na biltene. Osim toga, ponekad postoje popusti za grupne ili povratne karte, stoga razmislite o tim opcijama ako odgovaraju vašim planovima putovanja.